Pharma Focus Europe

Unleashing the Power of Antimicrobial Peptide Databases: A New Frontier against Antibiotic Resistance

Dr. Sintu Kumar Samanta, Dr. Sintu Kumar Samanta is working as an Assistant professor in IIIT Allahabad, India. He did Ph.D. and post-doc from IIT Kharagpur and IISc Bangalore, India respectively. Dr. Samanta is working in area of Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. He published research work in several international journals and filed two Indian patents.

Rajat Kumar Mondal, Rajat Kumar Mondal obtained his M. Sc in Bioinformatics from Bioinformatics Centre at Savitribai Phule Pune University, India. Currently, he is a Teaching Assistant and M. Tech. Bioinformatics student in IIIT Allahabad, India.

Debarup Sen, Debarup Sen has completed his M. Sc in Bioinformatics from Bioinformatics Centre at Savitribai Phule Pune University, India. He is currently working as Domain Engineer in Persistent Systems Ltd.

Antimicrobial Peptides (AMPs) offer a promising solution to the global challenge of antimicrobial resistance. AMP databases like APD3, DBAASP, and CAMPR4 hold vital information on these peptides. However, these databases encounter challenges like data accuracy, predictive validation, experimental data limitation, and resource maintenance. Future strides include real-time updates, integration of experimental data, functional insights, and cross-database integration. As technology advances, AMP databases will illuminate a path toward addressing antibiotic resistance, paving the way for a new era of effective antimicrobial strategies.

In the battle against antibiotic resistance, scientists are harnessing the potential of AMPs as a potent alternative to traditional antibiotics. As pathogens continue to evolve and resistance strategies become more sophisticated, new solutions are very crucial. Enter AMPs and their databases, an incredible approach to fight against antibiotic resistance.

The discovery of the first reported AMP, penicillin, by Alexander Fleming in the 1920s marked a significant milestone. Subsequently, gramicidin, another AMP, was discovered in Bacillus spp. in 1939 and showed effectiveness against pneumococcal infections in mice. It was later revealed that tyrocidine, the first AMP to be commercialized, was harmful to human blood cells. Phagocytin was first isolated from rabbit leukocytes in 1956. In primary sources like NCBI databases, EMBL databases, PDB, and PubMed, many AMPs have been deposited since 1939. These results have sparked the creation of derivative databases with a variety of tools to support AMP research, including APD3, CAMPR4, DBAASP, and others.

The Rise of AMPs: A Glimmer of Hope Amidst Antibiotic Resistance

AMPs, often referred to as "nature's antibiotics”, are a diverse group of proteins (mostly small in length) that serve as the first line of defence of the immune system against pathogens in various living beings. Unlike traditional antibiotics that often target specific biological processes or cellular locations of pathogenic microbes, AMPs possess various modes of action, making it very challenging for pathogens to develop resistance. AMPs have the ability to target the bacterial cell membrane, disrupt intracellular processes, and even modulate the immune response.

Day by day bacterial pathogens continue to evolve and develop resistance mechanisms against traditional antibiotics. The AMPs can be a potent new avenue for infection control and become increasingly evident. Notably, AMPs exhibit broad-spectrum activity, meaning they can effectively combat a wide range of bacterial strains, including drug-resistant ones. Moreover, AMPs can act rapidly, often within minutes, to neutralize pathogens, making them an attractive option for combating acute infections.

Exploring AMP Databases: Cataloguing Nature's Defenders

To unlock the potential of AMPs, researchers have come to realize that it is important to store all the accurate information about AMPs and make it publicly accessible to the scientific community with ease of use so that the scientific community has that useful information at the fingertips for further research and development. This realization has led to the creation of various AMP databases. Those databases play a crucial role in gathering, organizing, and sharing data about these powerful peptides. Some prominent databases of AMPs include Antimicrobial Peptide Database 3 (APD3), the Database of Antimicrobial Activity and Structure of Peptides (DBAASP), and the Collection of Anti-Microbial Peptides R4 (CAMP R4).

  • Antimicrobial Peptide Database version 3 (APD3): APD3 is a manually curated foundational resource that contains antimicrobial peptides from six life kingdoms. It provides valuable information on peptide sequences, structures, sources, and activities.
  • Database of Antimicrobial Activity and Structure of Peptides (DBAASP): DBAASP is manually curated and focuses on the relationship between peptide structures and their antimicrobial activities. By correlating structural features with functional outcomes, DBAASP aids researchers in designing and optimizing AMPs.
  • Collection of Anti-Microbial Peptides R4 (CAMP R4): CAMP R4 is a comprehensive database that houses data on both natural and synthetic AMPs. It serves as a valuable resource for researchers in the field of AMPs research.

Challenges on the Horizon: Navigating the Complexities

The AMP databases hold the potential to contribute to the field of antimicrobial research, but they are not without their challenges. The challenges are as follows.

  • Update and maintenance: Updating and maintaining a resource poses a significant hurdle, particularly as new AMPs are discovered and characterized at an unprecedented rate. Many of the AMP’s databases were not updated in the last many years.
  • Data quality and accuracy: Some databases might contain outdated information, leading to confusion for researchers and hindering their work.
  • Limited experimental data: Many databases rely heavily on computational predictions, which may not always reflect real-world activity accurately. There's a need for more experimental validation.
  • Lack of functional information: While databases focus on sequences and structures, they might not provide in-depth functional information about the mechanisms of action of AMPs.
  • Target organism and activity prediction along with AMPs: All the available prediction tools in many of the databases can predict AMP based on a given sequence, but there are no tools that can predict the AMP along with its biological activities (like anti-tuberculosis, antibiotic, anti-yeast, wound healing, anti-cancer, etc.), target organism(s) and MIC/MIC50/MBC/MBC50 values from a given sequence.

Bridging all these gaps ensure the reliability of AMP databases.

Vision for the Future: From Data Repositories to Knowledge Hubs

Despite the challenges, the future of AMP databases is promising, with innovations that could reshape the landscape of antimicrobial research. The following are key developments that hold the potential to enhance the capabilities and impact of AMP databases:

  • Real-time updates: A real-time updated mechanism can be integrated to provide real-time updates to databases would ensure that researchers have access to the latest and most relevant information about AMPs.
  • Integration of experimental data: It is important to give emphasis on including experimental data alongside computational predictions to provide a more comprehensive view of the true antimicrobial potential of various AMPs to researchers.
  • Functional Insights: Going beyond sequences and structures, future databases could provide in-depth functional insights into the mechanisms of action of different AMPs. This would enable researchers to better understand how AMPs interact with cells of pathogenic microbes and how they exert their antimicrobial effects.
  • Target organism and activity prediction Tools: The development of advanced tools for predicting the AMPs along with biological activities, target organism(s) and MIC/MIC50/MBC/MBC50 values based on various factors such as sequence, structure, and physicochemical properties, would greatly aid in the rational design of novel AMPs.
  • Interactive Interfaces: User-friendly interfaces that offer visualization and manipulation tools could empower researchers to explore, analyze, and interpret AMP data more effectively. This would enable researchers to uncover hidden patterns and correlations within the data.
  • Collaborative Platforms: Creating platforms that encourage collaboration and information-sharing among researchers would foster a global network focused on tackling antibiotic resistance. This collective effort could lead to accelerated discoveries and innovative approaches to combating drug-resistant infections.

Tackling Antibiotic Resistance as a United Front

As we venture into this new frontier of antimicrobial peptide databases, collaboration between researchers, pharmaceutical companies, and policymakers becomes paramount. Interdisciplinary efforts in a holistic manner are required to fight against antibiotic resistance. With AMP databases as a catalyst, scientists have a chance to reverse the tide of drug resistance and safeguard the future of healthcare.

Conclusion: Writing a New Chapter in the Fight Against Antibiotic Resistance

The emergence of AMP databases brings a new era of hope in the battle against antibiotic resistance. These databases are repositories of information as well as provide the gateway to innovative solutions. Equipping researchers with AMP databases by providing accuracy in data, prediction tools, and other meaningful insights for designing antimicrobial interventions in a more effective and smarter way.

As we stand at the crossroads of technology and healthcare, the potential impact of AMP databases on reshaping medicine and saving lives is undeniable. With the power of science and collective determination, self-assuring the narrative of antibiotic resistance step by step. As we progress with the help of knowledge and tools from these databases, we approach a future where antibiotic resistance is no longer a crisis but a challenge that has been conquered.

Sintu Kumar Samanta

Biochemistry & Bioinformatics Laboratory, Department of Applied Sciences, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allaha​bad.

Rajat Kumar Mondal

Biochemistry & Bioinformatics Laboratory, Department of Applied Sciences, Indian Institute of Information Technology Allahabad

Debarup Sen

Persistent Systems Ltd

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